Stylized Painterly Shader
Are you interested in making 3D renders or animations that looks like it's hand painted? Well i got some good news for you my friend.
This is the Stylized Painterly Shader for Blender 3.6+
The shader itself is very easy to use! All you have to do is copy the main Group Node, and replace it with the principled bsdf on any material.
It also contains a lot of costumizeability!
There's multiple shaders to costumize the overall look of the shading and the material type.
The shader works in both eevee and cycles! And also work in multi-colored lighting! Which is what makes this shader stand out compared to the others that are available.
Extra information:
As I'm writing this, there's still a shader left to release, which is the spiderverse shader, so if you're interested in updates about it, then make sure to follow me on twitter! And if you want to support me, you are more than free to pay for the shader instead of downloading it for free, or you can pay for my patreon, where i release a lot of retextures
My TwitterMy Patreon
Royalty Free
Feel free to use it for anything non-commercially, no need for credit, but would be glad if you did!
Commercial version on Blender Market: [LINK]
Trixel - Additional help and preview renders
Pyjama889 - Additional help and preview renders
Negatiive - preview renders
RainbowIsAMp4 - preview renders
Waup - preview renders
MrSlyick - preview renders
Nixxez - The OG version of the texture used
Usage examples / rest of the preview renders:
Stylized Painterly Shader